Compiled References

This page includes all of the citations from each of the resource documents, and any links throughout the resource documents.

Additional resources to assist in evaluative writing using a health equity lens:

Style Guide, Practices, and Resources for Bringing an Equity Focus to HPC (

Advancing Health Equity Through Power Building and Narrative Change (

Additional resources from the sixth writing workshop,“Writing with a Health Equity Lens”:

Health Equity Style Guides:

Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities | Gateway to Health Communication | CDC

GLAAD Media Reference Guide – 11th Edition

Changing Terminology:

Latina, Latino, or LatinX? Here’s the history, and why Latine might work better. – Vox

Narratives and Language | Prioritizing Equity – YouTube

Health Equity 101:

Roots of Health Inequity | NACCHO

Advancing Health Equity in Chronic Disease Prevention and Management | CDC


Equity | FrameWorks Institute

BARHII: FRAMEWORK — BARHII – Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative

Concepts, Tools and Frameworks for Building and Evaluating Equity

Tools for working with data:

CDC/ATSDR Social Vulnerability Index (SVI)

Racial Equity Data Road Map |


Teaching Race: Pedagogy and Practice | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University

Racism and Health | Minority Health | CDC

The CDC Clear Communication Index | The CDC Clear Communication Index | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Resources on the role of metaphor in understanding equity:

Groundwater Approach | Racial Equity Institute | Developing Tools

Levels-Of-Racism A Theoretic Framework and a Gardeners Tale.pdf (

Allegories on race and racism | Camara Jones | TEDxEmory – YouTube

The 4th Box Sparks Imagination – Interaction Institute for Social Change : Interaction Institute for Social Change

Accessibility is Delicious: Food analogies for digital inclusion – Law Office of Lainey Feingold (

Lapidow, A., & Scudder, P. (2019). Shared First Authorship. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 107(4), 618–620.

Liboiron, M., Ammendolia, J., Winsor, K., Zahara, A., Bradshaw, H., Melvin, J., .Liboiron, G. (2017). Equity in Author Order: A Feminist Laboratory’s Approach. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, 3(2),1-17.

Recommendations – Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors | International Committee of Medical Journal Editors

Guidance on Authorship in Scholarly or Scientific Publications | Office of the Provost – Yale University

Avula, J., & Avula, H. (2015). Authors, Authorship Order, the Moving Finger Writes. J Indian Soc Periodontol., 19(3): 258-262. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology (

The Ethics of Manuscript Authorship: Best Practices for Attribution | American Journal Experts

Browner, W.S. (1999). Publishing and Presenting Clinical Research. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Graham, D., Graham, J., & Lussos, R. (2020). The Writing System: A step by step guide for business and professional writers. 3rd edition.

Huth, E. J. (1990). How to Write and Publish Papers in the Medical Sciences, 2nd edition. Williams & Wilkins.

Sharma, M., Sarin, A., Gupta, P., Sachdeva, S., & Desai, A. V. (2014). Journal Impact Factor: Its Use, Significance and Limitations. World Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 13(2), 146.

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