Workshop 3: Revising and Editing (Two Parts)

This workshop encouraged recipients to become more efficient writers using a phased approach to test organization, then edit for coherence, clarity, conciseness, readability, and proofread.

Please note that the third writing workshop was held over two days (April 22 and April 29, 2021). Part 3A represents the first session where an introduction and lesson, breakout room, and discussion of examples occurred. Part 3B represent the second session. The documents used in the workshops are examples from DP18-1815, 1816, and 1817 recipients.

A copy of the PowerPoint and examples used in the presentation are provided below. You can make the PDFs full screen by clicking on the three dots at the top of the element and choosing the option that works best for you.

Knowledge Check (click the purple button below for the answer)

What step of revising with the outlining technique is NOT correct?

  • Editing for coherence (i.e., repeating key terms)
  • Editing for clarity (i.e., using active voice)
  • Editing for conciseness (i.e., removing repetition)
  • Editing for readability (i.e., using the Flesch-Kincaid tool)
  • Proofreading

Workshop 3, Part B: Discussion of Examples

A copy of the PowerPoint and examples used in the presentation are provided below. You can make the PDFs full screen by clicking on the three dots at the top of the element and choosing the option that works best for you.

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