Workshop 8: Disseminating Evaluation Findings

This workshop was facilitated by Dr. Rachael Graham Lussos and DHDSP on June 23, 2022. DHDSP explored the various document types that recipients can use to showcase their evaluation findings, such as evaluation briefs, case studies, and short reports. Dr. Lussos offered ideas for writing and developing products based on data availability. Examples can be found at the bottom of this page.

A copy of the PowerPoint used in the presentation is provided below. You can make the PDF full screen by clicking on the three dots at the top of the element and choosing the option that works best for you.

Knowledge Check (click the purple button below for the answer)

What are parts of the purpose statement?

  • Document: names the document type
  • Verb: sets expectations and tone
  • Content: tells the audience what they need to know
  • Audience: identifies the primary audience
  • Outcome: defines the audience’s purpose for reading the document
  • All of the above
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