Workshop 9: Peer Review Webinar

In partnership with DHDSP, this workshop was facilitated by Dr. Rachel Graham Lussos on September 26, 2023. Dr. Lussos focused on learning and practicing techniques and tips for doing peer reviews. Webinar attendees included peer reviewers for the cardiovascular health supplement in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice that is being co-sponsored by DHDSP and NNPHI. This workshop will benefit all viewers because reviewing a peer’s manuscript improves the reviewer’s writing and editing skills (Lundstrom & Baker, 2009).

A copy of the PowerPoint used in the presentation and the paper used in the peer review exercise are provided below. You can make the PDF full screen by clicking on the three dots at the top of the element and choosing the option that works best for you.

Knowledge Check (click the purple button below for the answer)

When reviewing a manuscript, which of the following questions will help you keep your peer review focused on the content, not the writing?

  • Does the manuscript suggest a potential audience for the information and how the information might be useful to them?
  • Does the manuscript provide the information this audience needs? Does the manuscript provide information the audience does not need?
  • Can you easily follow the order of ideas in the manuscript? Or do you have to areas or read ahead to correct your understanding of the ideas?
  • Does the manuscript have sufficient evidence to support its claims, findings and recommendations?
  • Are you confident you understand how the manuscript uses key terms?
  • All of the above
  • None of the above.
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